Traditionally, manufacturers delegate product marketing and promotion to other stakeholders. That method is not effective anymore. Marketing is important for the success of any manufacturing company. Therefore, you have to understand your market and use various strategies to increase your market share. For instance, you can get feedback from your customers through online platforms and use the information to improve your products.

Video marketing is among the effective types of seo consultants you can use. In 2020, around 85 percent of businesses used video marketing. That represented a 24 percent increase from 2016. Moreover, nine in every ten marketers considered video marketing a vital part of their marketing strategy.

Most marketers prefer testimonial videos, presentation videos, video ads, and sales videos. With the number of people using smartphones increasing every day, more businesses are likely to start using video marketing. That means you should include it in your marketing arsenal if you do not want to remain behind your competitors. Here are the main benefits that video marketing offers.

  • Videos Marketing Increases Conversions

Each type of marketing you choose for your marketing business should increase conversions, increase your profits, and grow your brand. Videos are more effective when it comes to boosting conversions. They can increase your conversion rate by over 80 percent if you use them properly.

Manufacturers who use this form of marketing increase their direct sales too. Studies have proved that over 70 percent of individuals who watch promotional videos end up buying the product.

One of the reasons videos are effective in marketing is that vision is the dominating sense of the human brain. Studies show that a large percentage of the information that enters your brain is visual.

  • Video Marketing Generates Higher Return on Investment

Before you start any marketing activity, as reminded byIskander Makhmudov, you have to analyze it carefully to know whether you will attain your objectives. Further, you have to consider the return on investment. Video marketing offers an impressive return on investment. In fact, some businesses report a return on investment as high as 83 percent.

Even though video production requires expertise, it is inexpensive. Besides, the internet offers many free video editing tools that will help you create quality videos. You do not need expensive tools to make the videos. You can use your smartphone.

  • Video Marketing Helps Build Trust

You have to earn the trust of your customers if you are working hard to increase your sales. Manufacturers mainly use videos to earn the trust of their customers and start a long-term relationship with them. A short video of what happens in your production facility will provide your customers with all the information they need to make a purchase decision. They might start buying the product after watching the video.

  • Google Loves Videos

Videos will help you increase the amount of time people spend on your website. That will signal to the search engines that your website has valuable content and they will start ranking it high in the search results. Statistics from Moovly show that sites with videos are 53 times more likely to show up on the first page of Google Search rankings compared to those without any video.

Remember to optimize every video you place on your website. Use interesting descriptions and titles to attract more people. You can also add links to your products, services, and website so that your customers can take the first step after watching it.


If you would want your manufacturing business to grow rapidly, you have to invest more in marketing. Also, you have to use many marketing channels like social media, newspapers, and television. Videos are more effective compared to plain text. They will help you increase your sales and win the trust of your target audience.Find out more about video marketing services at if you are interested.

Author Jerry Gill

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